Vaxil is listed on the TSX Venture as VXL. Vaxil maintains its laboratory in the Weizmann Science Park, Ness-Ziona, Israel, adjacent to the Weizmann Institute, Israel’s top scientific university. Vaxil was founded by former Weizmann scientists and Dr. Kovjazin, M.D., Ph.D., received her Ph.D. from Weizmann.
Vaxil Canada
First Canadian Place, 34th Floor, Care of Vaxil corporate counsel Bennett Jones LLP, 100 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1A9 Canada
Vaxil Israel
Vaxil Israel – Research & Development Laboratory, 3 Pinhas Sapir Street, 2nd Floor, “Weizmann Science Park”, 74140, Ness Ziona, Israel